Where can I use my Lion OneCard

Need locations and descriptions

Your Lion OneCard Is used as the key to your residence hall. You can use it for door access or general building access. Find a list of the residence halls here.
Just present your Lion OneCard at the entrance of the dining centers for access to delicious dining options. Check out all the UCCS Dining Locations here.
You can use Clyde's Cash at all of the markets and cafes run by Dining Services. Check out the full list of Dining Locations here.
Enjoy convenient access to your money without leaving campus with a free Ent Lion One checking account, which doubles as your student ID. Open your account at the on-campus Ent Credit Union service center, located on the first floor of the University Center or discover all the benefits of an Ent Lion One checking accounthere
When you load Clyde's Cash onto your Lion OneCard, you can use it at various places on the UCCS campus. Go to the Sanatorium Grounds page on the dining services site.
Your card can be used to check out materials from the campus library on campus! Just bring your card to the UCCS library to get started. To access your bar code use your UCCS Experience App, coming Fall 2021.
Just bring your card to the front desk for access to the Recreation and Wellness Center. To access your bar code use your UCCS Experience App, coming Fall 2021.
You will need to show your Lion OneCard to enter any campus sporting events like UCCS basketball or baseball games. Go to UCCS Athletics to check out the schedules!