Photo Guidelines

student ID for Clyde the mascot

Your photo must meet the following criteria or it may be rejected, and you will be asked to submit another.

  • Do not use a photo of a photo
  • Background must be a white or light solid color
  • The photo must be in color
  • You must be the only person in the photo
  • Include and center your full head and shoulders only (like a passport photo)
  • Your face must be clearly visible and facing the camera
  • You may NOT wear sunglasses, hats, or other objects in the photo (religious headwear is acceptable)
  • No graduation photos
  • You may smile, but no other gestures are permitted
  • Photo must be saved as a .jpg, .jpeg or .png


  • Have a government issued ID on hand, as you will need to upload that as well. Types of IDs that are accepted include: high school ID, military ID, drivers license, state ID, passport


To upload your photo, in the Transact eAccounts app click the settings button in the upper right corner and select “Submit a photo” from there follow the instructions.


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